Others : scratch over left knee after visiting a wet market 其他:左膝在街市刮到。
Combined supermarket wet market 超级市场兼湿货街市
It was reported that the patient had visited a local wet market where live chickens were on sale 患者据报发病前几天曾到菜市场买菜,市场内有活鸡销售。
Supermarket can assure safety and quality of af by commercial credit standing and risk , but peddler in wet market can ' t 超市可以用商业信誉和风险来担保经营农产品的质量和安全,个体商贩不容易
Meanwhile , this thesis also demonstrates the address choosing of the wet market and the scale of its managing area , and then proposes the suggestion and the guiding requirement 同时还对农贸市场的选址与经营面积规模进行论证,提出建议与指引性要求。
This thesis compares the development histories of the wet markets both home and abroad , and analyzes the developing trend of the city commerce 通过与国内外农贸市场发展历程的横向对比以及分析城市商业的发展趋势,确立了生鲜超市是农贸市场发展的必然方向。
Chi fu landmark on pokfulam road has 171 , 863 sq . ft . of total floor area . the five - storey mall houses a wide variety of retailers , including a food court and wet market 置富南区广场位于薄扶林道,总面积171 , 863平方尺,共有五层商场,为该区购物消闲之总汇。
A wet market is generally a fresh food market commonly found in Asian countries. Some of the common names include "Cultural Markets", "traditional markets", "Gaai Si", "Gaai See".